Hello my name is Nicolas Castaneda, I hope you are enjoying looking through my site and that you may find something to beautify your home. I love painting and working with wood and giving conventional items new life . All the items you will see are handmade with dedication and attention to detail to create unique pieces of art.

My Story

I was born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1990 and in the house where I grew up, my parents had a ceramics factory where they made pieces representative of Colombian culture and folklore. I will always be thankful to have grown up surrounded by possibilities to develop my creativity and artistic skills. As I got older, I would play around with clay, creating figurines and painting them. My father especially encouraged a love for art, music and history by taking me to museums and music recitals on weekends. As I consider these early years of my life, I feel they taught me to look at objects as things that can always be changed and improved.
Coming to Canada
In 2003, my family was forced to leave Colombia due to security issues and came to Canada as refugees. Leaving our lives and our loved ones was not easy nevertheless, the challenge of a new language and a new way of life brought along new experiences and responsibilities.Art has always been a constant in my life and regardless of what may be happening I continued to create pieces of art whenever possible. Since 2019 I have been creating more items and completing commissions for clients more regularly, further developing my skill and craft.  

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